Psychotherapy in Ontario

Self-Discovery for Curious Minds

Culturally-affirming therapy for Autistic children and youth, and Filipino immigrants in Ontario


Does this sound familiar?

  • You have a child or youth

    • Who’s bright but gets overwhelmed with emotions that result in outbursts or avoidance

    • Who’s sensitive and feels deeply but is unable to express their feelings

    • Who had thought of themselves as less because they are different

    • Who you’re struggling to connect with, making you constantly worried about them

  • You're an adult

    • Who’s introspective and acknowledges that you’ve been through a lot

    • Who finds yourself alone in making sense of your experiences, thinking no one would understand anyway

    • Who is intelligent but can be extremely critical of yourself

    • Who is exhausted and overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings

You don't have to be alone in your journey.

Therapy helps you realize your worth by engaging in self-discovery and connecting with your true self.


Hello, I'm Elda, a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario.

I work with curious, critical, and complex minds by guiding them in their journey of self-discovery. The understanding they gain about themselves allows them to feel clear, compassionate, and connected with themselves.

I am passionate about helping children, youth, and Filipino immigrants because I understand the complexities of our identities and how we have always been expected to fit the mold.

It’s hard to understand who we are sometimes. It’s easy to think that we are not enough. So many unwritten rules and walls have been built in our society that we can easily find ourselves lost and feeling as though we don’t fit the norm - not in the way we think, feel, or act. But…

You don’t have to be alone and feel stuck.

I am here to guide and support you.

Filipino Canadian psychotherapist supporting children's mental health with 'Laro (Play) Therapy'. Paula Saraza reports on OMNI News.

OMNI Television is a free, over-the-air multilingual/multicultural television system committed to reflecting Canada’s diversity by broadcasting an array of ethnocultural programming, serving multiple language communities.

Connect with your true self now


  • Individual Therapy

    For Filipino Immigrants

  • Play Therapy

    For Children and Youth

  • Clinical Supervision

    For Psychotherapists